Introducing HPT 1.5 Edge: The best open-sourced multimodal LLM for edge devices. Read More

the Future with
Hyper Generative AI

Empowering everyone with best-in-class Multimodal Generative AI technology.
the future of Multimodal AI
Our vision is to be the leading AI provider of Multimodal Generative AI (GenAI) solutions that empower everyone to unlock their creativity and improve workplace productivity.
We are spearheading the future of multimodal generative AI
research direction 1
Multimodal Understanding /
Multimodal LLM
We aim to train multimodal large language models (LLM) that can understand multimodal input, including text, images, videos, and more.
research direction 2
Multimodal Generation /
Multimodal Diffusion
We aim to train multimodal diffusion models for achieving personalized content generation, including photo generation, video generation, and more.
Join us in shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence!
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Empowering everyone with best-in-class generative AI
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